Who can apply for a study permit in Canada?

All international students wishing to study in Canada require a study visa and permit. This is true if they need an ETA or a Visitor Visa to enter Canada. The Visa does not give the holder permission to enter Canada. It does, however, provide you the authority to begin your studies in Canada when combined with an ETA or Visitor Visa. An Electronic Travel Authorization or a Canada Visitor Visa are identical to the Visa for International Students. They will, however, require a Canada Study Permit. As a result, the Canada Study Visa combines an ETA with a Study Permit or a Visitor Visa with a Study Permit.

You can only begin your studies in Canada at a DLI (Designated Learning Institution) if you have a Canada Study Permit. It allows you to stay in Canada till your program is completed. According to CIC News, it permits students to work while studying or after graduation in some circumstances.

To keep your Canada Study Visa, you must meet the following requirements:
  • Be registered in a Designated Learning Institution at all times.
  • Be working toward completing the study's enrollment program
  • Meet the criteria for a Study Visa
  • If you don't fulfill the Study Visa requirements, you'll have to stop studying.
  • Immediately leave Canada when your Study Permit expires.
The Study Permit does not grant you access to Canadian documents or government services such as health care. However, if you want to apply for Canadian citizenship, it will make the process easier. Talk to LMIA, the World’s No. 1 Immigration & Visa Company, whether you want to Study, Work, Visit, Invest or Migrate to Canada.

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